“Is There A Baptist Contribution to Political Theology? A Response,” in Proceedings of the ERLC Research Institute (Leland House Press, forthcoming).
“Carl F. H. Henry,” with Jesse Payne in Baptist Political Theology, Andrew Walker, Paul D. Miller, and Thomas S. Kidd, eds. (B&H Academic, forthcoming, June 2022).
“Preface,” in Wyman Richardson ed., The Collected Writings of James Leo Garrett Jr., 1950-2015, Volume 6: Roman Catholic Church (Resource Publications, forthcoming, 2022).
General Editor & co-Volume Editor, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Vol. 7. (B&H Academic, November 2022).
Baptist Confessions (Tentative Title) (Christian Focus, forthcoming, 2023).
Co-Editor & Contributor, Historical Theology for the Church (B&H Academic, February 2021).
“The Lord’s Remembrancer,” For the Church, February 25, 2021.
General Editor, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Vol. 5. (B&H Academic, April 2021).
The Moon Speaks (B&H Kids, May 2021). Honorable Mention Recipient, “The Gospel Coalition 2021 Book Awards,” Children’s Category.
General Editor, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Vol. 6. (B&H Academic, December 2021).
“Baptist Contributions to the Christian Tradition,” in Baptists and the Christian Tradition, Matthew Y. Emerson, Christopher W. Morgan, and R. Lucas Stamps, eds. (B&H Academic, June 2020).
General Editor & Volume Editor, The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon, Vol. 4. (B&H Academic, 2020).
“Faith Alone” in Sola: How the Five Solas are Still Reforming the Church (Moody, 2019).
“Henry Jessey (1601-1663)” in The British Particular Baptists, vol 1, revised Ed. Michael A. G. Haykin and Terry Wolever, ed. (Particular Baptist Press, 2019)
“A Biblical View of the Nations,” in David S. Dockery and Trevin K. Wax, eds. Christian Worldview Handbook (Holman Reference, 2019), 449-452.
Mere Hope (B&H)
“An Humble Attempt,” in The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia, Harry S. Stout, general editor (Eerdmans, 2017).
Series Co-Editor, A Treasury of Baptist Theology, Deron J. Biles, editor, Pastoral Ministry: The Ministry of a Shepherd (B&H Academic, 2017).
“The Significance of Adoniram Judson,” foreword in Evan Burns, A Supreme Desire to Please Him. Pickwick, 2016.
Henry Jessey. Borderstone Press, 2016.
First Freedom: The Beginning and End of Religious Liberty, with Thomas White and Malcolm B. Yarnell III. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2016.
“How Should the Christian Live?” in Gospel for Life: Same-Sex Marriage, edited by Russell D. Moore and Andrew T. Walker (B&H, 2016).
“A Denomination Always for the Church: Ecclesiological Distinctives as a Basis for Confessional Cooperation.” In The SBC and the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Jason Allen. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2016.
Seven Summits in Church History (Rainer Publishing, 2016).
“A Puritan’s Plea for the Simplicity of Preaching,” in But We Preach Christ Crucified: Preachers on Preaching (For the Church, 2015).
“A Wrinkle on Catholicism: The Anglican Understanding of Church Government,” in Thomas R. Schreiner and Benjamin L. Merkle, eds. Shepherding God’s Flock: Church Leadership in the New Testament and Beyond (Kregel, 2014).
“Standing Like a Steersman in a Storm: Courage to Act Like Men in a Culture that Says Otherwise,” in O. S. Hawkins, ed., Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook, Vol. 4 (Thomas Nelson, 2014)
“Our Once and Future Theologian: Carl F. H. Henry and Cultural Engagement,” in O. S. Hawkins, ed., Nelson’s Annual Preacher’s Sourcebook, Vol. 4 (Thomas Nelson, 2014).
“Afterword,” in Malcolm B. Yarnell, III, ed. The Anabaptists and Contemporary Baptists: Restoring New Testament Christianity (B&H Academic, 2013), 287-289.
Editor, Counted Worthy: The Life and Thought of Henry Jessey (Borderstone Press, 2012).
Editor, Adoniram Judson: A Bicentennial Appreciation of the Pioneer American Missionary (B&H, 2012).
White, Thomas, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell, III, eds. Upon this Rock: The Baptist Understanding of the Church. Nashville, TN: B&H, 2010.
White, Thomas, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell, III, eds. Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic & Professional, 2008.
White, Thomas, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell, III, eds. First Freedom: The Baptist Perspective on Religious Liberty. Nashville, TN: B&H Academic, 2007.